
Tap into your true potential.
Live your audacious dream.

According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are aware of the cognitive activities that are driven by our brain. But, our brain comprises only 5% of us; the remaining 95% is the unconscious that lies in the body and the energetics, and this is where our behavior patterns, neural pathways, and memories rest.
As a leader, maybe you spend majority of your waking life just knowing the 5% conscious part of you. And yet, you don't know what you don't know - the rest of the 95% of you! This is where your unconscious blocks, deep-seated patterns from childhood, and self-sabotaging behavior are. So, if you want to fulfil your destiny, it’s imperative that you first recognize what is coming in your way at an unconscious level.

Leadership Spa helps you do just this.

Our Leadership Spa program is designed to first connect you with your conscious self, and then slowly attempt to move into the unconscious parts of you. This will be done by having in-depth conversations, going through your life story, and finally moving deeper to access the unconscious - through body movement, simple creative art, and communion with nature. We say “attempt” as the unconscious is a vast territory and we will just be taking a few tentative steps in this direction in the program. However, this attempt itself will yield powerful results.
So, if you've met your ambitions at the cost of your passion, if you’re still questioning your audacious dreams, or if you simply wish to connect with yourself again - head to the Leadership Spa. Specially designed for senior management, CXOs, entrepreneurs, and industry leaders, this flagship program helps you take inspiration from the wisdom of nature, listen to the heart, and walk the talk - leading you towards your success and life path!

And it all begins with you.

Tales of Transformation




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Step down from the daily treadmill of responsibilities and explore the unlimited possibilities with Leadership Spa.